Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am an Extremist/ whom do you serve?

At least according to the standards outlined by the Department of Homeland Security. I will proudly wear that title, in the name of Jesus Christ. I have said it before and I will say it again, "this country has fallen" and the hand of God is now I believe off this country. We now politically are looking like nineteen thirties Germany and Obama is our Hitler! And we , not only as a country but as Christians refuse to do anything about it just like the German people of the nineteen forties. Are you that suppressed by and scared of our own Government that you wont stand up for righteousness? I tell you the home of the brave was not intended to be a place of fear. If you fear man then you fear the world and the father of lies. FEAR NO MAN and speak out about injustice let your voice be heard as a lion! If you sit and do nothing then I ask you " who are you serving "?

DHS -"Disgruntled Military Veterans"-"Rightwing Extremists"
Body: On the heels of the now infamous Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has just released an "assessment" report entitled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." With virtually no references, documentation, or annotations, the report, which was released to all branches of American law enforcement, demonizes a host of citizens as having the capacity to become violent "rightwing extremists.

The DHS report warns law enforcement to be on guard against anyone who opposes illegal immigration, same-sex marriage, "free trade agreements," gun control, the "New World Order," "One World Government," the outsourcing of American jobs, the "perceived" threat to U.S. sovereignty by foreign powers, abortion, "declarations of martial law," "the creation of citizen detention camps," "suspension of the U.S. Constitution," or the abridgement of State authority. Also branded are people who believe in "end times" prophecies, and who "stockpile" food, ammunition, or firearms.

I dare say that at least 75% (or more) of the American people have beliefs that fall into one or more categories of the above list. If you are one of them, DHS suspects you of being a "rightwing extremist." But there is more.

The DHS report specifically warns law enforcement to be on guard against "disgruntled military veterans," especially veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. You read it right.

Well, if anyone has a legitimate reason to be disgruntled, it is America's veterans. After taking an oath to defend and support America and the U.S. Constitution, they were ordered to fight a preemptive war of aggression in Iraq; they were ordered to fight without a Declaration of War; they were ordered to put their lives on the line, not for the safety and security of the American people, but for international bankers, the United Nations, and the "global economy." Then they returned home to a Department of Veteran's Affairs that treats them as second-class citizens: VA hospitals are often dirty and out-of-date; medical treatments are postponed; medications often take months to arrive; and much of the promised care is never delivered at all. If anyone has a right to be disgruntled, it is a military veteran.

That said, where is the evidence in the DHS report to substantiate the necessity for American law enforcement to be on guard against potential violence committed by military veterans? It doesn't exist. It is a blanket charge without any substantiation whatsoever. The same is true for the rest of the report. Without documentation, substantiation, or annotation, the report broadly brushes a host of American citizens as being potential "extremists" simply because of their political opinions. This is the same kind of political profiling that we saw in the Missouri report.

Veterans groups nationwide are rightfully "up in arms" over the DHS report. Feeling the wrath of public opinion, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano yesterday "apologized" for "offending" veterans.

Fox News reported, "American Legion National Commander David Rehbein, who blasted the report earlier this week as incomplete and politically-biased, said he was pleased with Napolitano's apology." But not all veterans groups share Rehbein's spirit of forgiveness.

Pete Hegseth, chairman of Vets for Freedom, snarled, "It wasn't an apology in my view. It was one of those non-apology apologies. She was sorry that veterans were offended. She should either apologize for the content of the report as it stands or they should rewrite the report and reissue it." Hegseth has it right!

Napolitano did not apologize for the report; she only said she was sorry that vets were "offended" by the report. There is a vast difference. This is the typical cow manure that we are accustomed to from non-elected bureaucrats, especially federal bureaucrats.

And please notice that Napolitano offered no "apology" to pro-lifers, proponents of the Second Amendment, constitutionalists, Christians, or anyone else. She couldn't care less if any of these folks were offended. She was only sorry that veterans were offended.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) also rightly blasted the DHS report, saying its portrayal of veterans was "offensive and unacceptable."

House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-Texas) said, "The rightwing report uses broad generalizations about veterans, pro-life groups, federalists and supporters of gun rights. That's like saying if you love puppies, you might be susceptible to recruitment by the Animal Liberation Front. It is ridiculous and deeply offensive to millions of Americans."

Ladies and gentlemen, the American people must put a stop to this burgeoning political profiling that is currently being forced upon law enforcement. I urge every reader of this column to immediately contact your U.S. House member and two U.S. Senators, demanding that they put a stop to this right now!

In the meantime, I believe we can also assume that the source of all of these reports is either Morris Dees and his Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) or the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), or both. If this is true (and we desperately need some attorneys who are willing to file lawsuits in which evidentiary material may be gleaned during discovery to substantiate these assumptions), the SPLC and ADL--and those government bureaucrats who assist them--need to be exposed and held accountable. The days of political "witch-hunting" must come to an end. Furthermore, the days of radical leftwing organizations, such as SPLC and ADL, being allowed to use federal and state police agencies to demonize and terrorize private citizens because of their political beliefs must also come to an end.

Obviously, DHS is still stinging from the embarrassment and setback of the Missouri report, in which three of last year's Presidential candidates (Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and myself) were personally named. In essence, people who voted for and/or supported any one of us were directly labeled as being potential dangerous "militia members." This blatant and outlandish accusation resulted in a maelstrom of protest, which concluded with the report being completely withdrawn. And this is exactly what people should demand in the case of the DHS report: it should be immediately withdrawn!

The current DHS report does not include personal names, except the name of Timothy McVeigh, who is used as an example of what any "disgruntled military veteran" could become. It does, however, regurgitate the familiar themes of the Missouri report: the same groups; the same beliefs; the same generalizations; the same innuendoes; the same broad brushing; the same warnings; the same mischaracterizations; the same political profiling.

As with the Missouri officials, Janet Napolitano has made a critical misjudgment. By including veterans in her broad sweep of "rightwing extremists," she has shown her true colors: and they are not Red, White and Blue. Veterans throughout America should insist that not only must the report be rescinded, but Ms. Napolitano must also resign.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Palin For President!

Palin criticizes Obama stance on abortion

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin speaks during the Vanderburgh County Right to Life AP – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin speaks during the Vanderburgh County Right to Life fundraising dinner in Evansville, …

EVANSVILLE, Ind. – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is taking President Barack Obama to task for his support of abortion rights and embryonic stem-cell research.

Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, criticized Obama's positions during a speech at the Vanderburgh County Right to Life's annual dinner Thursday night in Evansville, Ind.

She says deciding when babies get human rights isn't above her pay grade — a reference to Obama's response to a question from the Rev. Rick Warren last year. Obama said such questions were above his pay grade.

Thursday's appearance was Palin's first out-of-state trip on a partisan agenda since the presidential campaign ended. Some Alaska lawmakers have criticized her decision to make the trip as the state Legislature approaches its Sunday deadline.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) — Republican National Chairman Michael Steele said Thursday that Sarah Palin is among a crowd of GOP standard bearers that includes fellow governors Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Mark Sanford of South Carolina.

The Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential candidate hasn't ruled out a presidential run, and Steele said it was too early to gauge Palin's standing in 2012.

She and Steele were in Evansville to attend the Vanderburgh County Right to Life fundraising dinner Thursday night. Organizers said the dinner drew 3,000 people.

During a news conference before the dinner, Steele cited Palin among other prominent party figures, including former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and two congressmen, Eric Cantor and Mike Pence.

"We have a significant number of men and women in our party who are in a very good position right now to carry forward the standard of the GOP," Steele said.

Pence represents Indiana and Cantor is from Virginia. Many Republicans also look to Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana as a presidential favorite in 2012.

Thursday night's appearance was Palin's first out-of-state trip on a partisan agenda since the presidential campaign ended. Some Alaska lawmakers have criticized Palin's decision to make the trip as the state Legislature approaches its Sunday deadline.

Palin was cheered wildly as she entered the banquet hall with her husband, Todd. She stopped to sign autographs before taking her seat.

Palin, her husband and youngest son also were to attend a breakfast Friday morning with S.M.I.L.E., a nonprofit support organization for people with family members who have Down syndrome. Trig, who turns 1 on Saturday, was born with the condition.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Peaceful Protest for God!

Local man declares "Jihad for Jesus"

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Wichita, KS

A local man has taken on one of the most controversial subjects in American society in a big way.

Known only as "Saul" on his blog, he has publicly stated that the Obama administration's stance on abortion is not only against his Christian beliefs, but against God. And to protest the governments new willingness to fund abortions worldwide, as well as support embryonic stem cell research, Saul is taking his money out of the government completely... he's staging a peaceful protest by not paying income taxes.

"It's not my money or your money or the government's money. It's God's money. And as long as any of God's money is entrusted to me, I will not let it fund abortion in any way, shape or form," he says. "To give any money to a government that willingly murders children is the same as me condoning it. I do not condone abortion and neither does God."

This, in addition to prayer and a call to other Christians to stand with him, is being done in hopes that President Obama will reverse his wide support of abortion policies. On March 9, Obama overturned the stem cell research ban put in place by the Bush administration, opening the door to Americans funding abortion and abortion-related agencies abroad. Religious leaders and women's health advocates have openly renounced the Obama policies, while Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion advocates have lauded the President for following through on his campaign promises.

"I am ashamed of my government and those that support it's policies on abortion. This country was founded on principles that are Christian," says Saul. "It has fallen, been torn apart from within by our own unwillingness to follow Jesus' simple instruction to love one another as ourselves."

Saul plans on chronicling his peaceful protest on his blog, as well as on his personal myspace and facebook pages. He's in the process of creating a new myspace page dedicated just to the protest, as well.

"My hope is that there will be enough Christians to take a stand against the practice of systematically killing our unborn that the United States government will hear our voices and not continue this disgusting practice. In a democracy, every voice should count, even the voices of those that are not yet born," says Saul.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jihad for Jesus

Am I a slave to the wishes of others? Is defending the innocent by peaceful protest wrong? In the case of embryonic stem cell research, what would Jesus do? I am prepared to do whatever God directs me to do in protest of this policy. And I am currently seeking his guidance in the peaceful protest of this policy.

I can tell you this: my money (which is actually God's, since He gives it) will not be used by my UNgodly government to fund the systematic murder of babies! The only way that will happen is if God tells me to pay my taxes anyway, because their blood is not on my hands. I am well-versed in the Biblical command to pay taxes, but I am not being led to do so in this case. I cannot fathom murdering an infant or paying someone else to do so. To me there is NO difference between abortion and when someone who is demon-possessed murders their own children.
I was raised pro-choice and matured into the Truth. I am gnashing my teeth over this one. Who do we think we are? I am ashamed of my government and those that support its policies on abortion. This country was founded on principles that are Christian. It has fallen, been torn apart from within by our own unwillingness to follow Jesus' simple instruction to love one another as ourselves.

Ephesians 6:10-18
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

I will not cast my lot amongst the evil in this world. I would rather face Jesus, having done what he asked of me, than to have lived a comfortable life on this earth ignoring the voice of God telling me to step out of my comfort zone.

I may lose everything earthly because of this protest. But I will follow Jesus wherever he wants me to go.

I will not pay income taxes until this crime against God is repealed. My path has been revealed and my Lord Jesus Christ is my protection. Gods will be done!

God bless you all.